unlock your next steps


Book your FREE Navigation Session with Hannah to create a clear action plan to begin your transformation - from feeling stuck in a rut to stepping into an empowered, purposeful life.



STEP ONE: understanding your unique journey

We'll start by taking a holistic look at the emotional, practical, and relational challenges you're facing. This will help us get a clear picture of your specific situation and needs.

STEP TWO: identify your core desires & goals

Together, we'll uncover the deeper layers behind your journey - the goals, dreams, and aspirations that are fueling your desire for change, even amidst your current challenges.

STEP THREE: personalised strategies & action plan

Based on your unique circumstances, we'll discuss proven strategies to support you in navigating your challenges with a greater sense of agency and control.

You’ll walk away from our session with a clear roadmap to take tangible steps forward, equipping you to navigate your challenges with a sense of empowerment.


Hannah Rae

Your coach and guide through life’s hard things. Having navigated her own journey of losses and life-altering change, Hannah understands the complexities of adversity firsthand.

Drawing on her personal experiences and diverse training and certifications, Hannah offers practical tools, education and trauma-informed support tailored to empower you to reconnect with your authentic self and rebuild an aligned life full of joy and purpose.

Hannah sits cross-legged on the ground next to a grey door, holding a book. She's wearing a dark long-sleeved shirt and jeans. A chocolate German short-haired pointer stands next to her, and she's affectionately touching his chin.

"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."

- Viktor Frankl