Hi, I’m hannah

I know from experience that meaningful & dedicated support in loss and adversity is almost impossible to find.

We are told “time heals all wounds”. But what about those of us who wish to be proactive in times of chaos and change?

We are told “do what’s best for you”. But what if we don’t even know what that is?

My role as a coach is to help you answer these questions, to be your haven in the wilderness of loss and change.

I'm here to walk alongside you & sit with whatever is present for you, in your grief & life right now.

in the months following my 30th birthday…

I endured the deaths of my father, a best friend, & my paternal grandfather. It was like someone had picked up the cute little snow globe I’d been living in, chucked it against a brick wall & my reality shattered into thousands of unrecognisable pieces.

I barely had the chance to take a breath between each loss as the grief compounded.

Since those losses I've become intimate with my own grief, explored a variety of healing modalities, journaled, written a memoir, engaged in modern grief conversations, and embarked on further study & learning. ALL of which I continue to do.

Somewhere in the middle I competed in a six-day mountain bike race in the New Zealand backcountry, fell in love with my mountain man, ran 250 kilometres through the Wadi Rum desert in Jordan, rediscovered my SELF, radically changed careers, and spent two months living with a family in France immersed in their language & culture.

As a coach I share my proven framework & hard-earned wisdom for navigating grief & big life changes. It’s a process that is continually refined through everyone I meet & my own new experiences & insights.

Hannah's arms raised gracefully against a backdrop of tall evergreen trees, with hands outstretched in an expressive, dance-like pose. The image conveys a sense of freedom and connection with nature.

what is coaching?

In any conversation about loss, endings and change we’re also talking about life - how do you want to live it, your values and priorities, what makes you come alive?

Grief, death, life, change - it’s all interconnected.

I support you in reclaiming, recreating and rediscovering your authentic self in grief and life. Together we explore what agency means to you, cultivate confidence to take aligned action, and implement tangible tools.

All of this is held with a somatic lens, meaning I invite both your mind and body to this work. Your mind is important, but you won’t make lasting change through new thinking alone. It needs to feel safe, true and congruent in your body as well as in your mind.

Hannah sits on a rock facing back towards a backdrop of a lake and bush-covered hills. The image conveys a sense of ease and connection with nature.



Practical tools, tangible guidance, a cheerleader always nudging you towards cultivating connection to your own inner knowing, and your support to lean on when it all feels too hard.


Acting as your life raft as you navigate this time of change, with you and alongside you but not with you *in* it. Offering hope as someone who has been there before.


Equipping you with knowledge about your body and nervous system, your survival and protection mechanisms, resilience, and the latest bereavement research, makes room for compassion in your experience.

I endeavour to embody a trauma-informed approach. I recognise and respect the history of lived events and experiences within you, and actively apply this understanding throughout my scope of practice.

While we inhabit different roles, you and I are also collaborative in this process; and while you might not believe it yet - you are the expert in your grief & life.

Qualifications & influences

I pull from many different buckets of knowledge to offer my bespoke, holistic approach to coaching.

Some of these are my personal lived experience of loss and adversity, while others include further formal study & training.

Hannah sits on the floor cross-legged with a book open in her hands, her head down. She's wearing light-coloured jeans and a pale sweatshirt. She is surrounded by stacks of books that are about a foot high.
  • Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy, The Embody Lab

  • Applied Polyvagal Theory in Therapeutic Yoga, Levels 1 & 2 with Arielle Schwartz, The Embody Lab

  • 100-hour yin yoga teacher training, trauma-informed with mental health approach with Amanda Hanna of SomaPsych

  • Coached and mentored by Tanja Pajevic, author of The Secret Life of Grief

  • I’m guided and inspired by many, including, but not limited to: Alan Wolfelt, Lucy Hone, George Bonanno, Mary-Frances O’Connor, Katie Kurtz, Brene Brown, Arielle Schwartz, Manuela Mischke-Reeds and Tara Brach.

  • Prior to entering this work I earned a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) and spent a decade as a civil engineer, so you bet I also bring a healthy dose of systems, attention to detail, and out-of-the-box creativity.


Hannah is sitting on a chair in a kitchen and is smiling, looking down at a cup of tea in her hands. She is wearing an orange shirt. In the background is a window and kitchen bench.

do we feel like a good fit?

Whether you're done with enduring fatigue & brain fog, sick of feeling alone & isolated, or simply don't know where to start in rebuilding your life following a life-bending loss or adversity get in touch for a free 30-minute call with me.

You can tell me all about what it's like being in your wilderness of grief & change, what's present for you right now, and your dreams for your own life that deserve to be fully lived. 

You don't need to sit back and "let time heal". There ARE ways to live proactively & consciously, holding a vision for the future while honouring your life-altering loss or change.