Your guided journey to rediscover your joy & purpose after loss or adversity with the RECLAIM framework.

Tired of feeling adrift, with no clear path forward after the unthinkable?

Are you exhausted from putting on a brave face but falling apart inside?

Worried about being a burden to friends and family, but not knowing where else to turn for help?

Still waiting for time to heal but craving happiness and a sense of peace?

Struggling to find a reason to get out of bed each day?

What if there was a roadmap to emotional healing, genuine connections, and the freedom to live fully with joy once again?

Envision a reality where you are empowered to step into your next chapter with clarity and confidence.

Going from mere surviving to thriving.

Not “moving on” but moving ONWARDS while honouring your journey.

There is a path forward. One where you can reclaim your authentic self, rediscover who you are, and what you truly value most.


Hannah is standing in front of a calm piece of water. She is smiling and has her arms swinging casually by her sides. She is wearing a dark blue sweatshirt and light blue jeans.


reignite your passion, cultivate emotional mastery & emerge confident


$1200 USD


$600 USD

NAVIGATE YOUR PATH Forward with Clarity & Confidence - ENROL TODAY

Further payment plans & refund policy available.

where are you stuck?

It’s just so overwhelming

You don’t understand much of this heartbreak except that it HURTS and is overwhelming to even think about. Well, my friend, you’re in the right place. Together we pull back the curtain on the mystery of emotions to understand what’s actually happening in your brain, body and soul.

I don’t want to be a burden

You feel like you’ve used up all your sympathy tokens with your support network. Besides, family and friends might be supportive, but they just don’t get it. Facing hard things can be lonely and isolating. Join our community of folks who also know the deep pain of life-altering loss and adversity.

wondering what happens next

What happens now? Who am I? Lacking joy, meaning and direction. You know there must be another pathway through this because pushing it all down and trying to forget about it isn’t working. It’s time to rediscover your true north and step into who you are becoming.

new fears, worries & anxieties

You’ve noticed new fears, worries and anxieties that are starting to affect your daily life, health and relationships. You sense there’s a deeper reason for this but don’t know where to begin. Within this program you receive everything you need to join the dots and improve your overall wellbeing.

Can’t Seem to Actually Rest

You’re back on the treadmill of life, soldiering on . . . but barely keeping up. You’re feeling frazzled, strung out, burned out and struggling to find wholesome ways to rest and actually relax. Learn theory plus practical tools to truly understand your body and invite deep rest - the crucial piece of the puzzle in healing.

tired of waiting for “time to heal”

You’re tired of being told that “time will heal” and know that deep down surely there is something you can DO. You know there must be a better way to move through this, where you’re playing an active and conscious role, and taking empowering steps to rebuilding your life. There is - it’s time to reclaim your agency on this wild ride.

Using Podcasts as Therapy

You consume all kinds of information - read books, listen to podcasts, absorb 10-second advice on Instagram. I get it, I love learning from stories this way too. But it’s no substitute for the personalised coaching you receive in this program - coaching for challenges that are specific to your context and experience.



the reclaim framework

A Revolutionary Approach to Grief that Integrates Emotional Mastery with Practical Steps.

It’s so common to ignore or suppress our emotions in an attempt to move forward after experiencing life-altering loss or adversity.

The problem with this is that numbing to these hard emotions means also becoming numb to genuine joy and experiencing expansive vitality in life.

Our emotions need to be tended to, expressed and held with support and community. We do this together on our journey through the step-by-step RECLAIM framework - enter your next chapter with the clarity and confidence to take back control of your life.

The framework is infused with choice, collaboration and compassion. You are a unique human with a unique experience and my approach honours this with true personalisation.

Unearth the transformation within you to navigate adversity with grace and emerge empowered.



Gain a deeper understanding of your emotions to move onwards with lifelong tools and genuine self-compassion.


Rediscover who you are and what you value most in this new version of reality with cheerleading to take aligned action.


Find belonging with a community who get it, where you can have open and honest conversations about life’s hard things.


In this 8-week transformative programme, you’ll be guided through OUR signature RECLAIM framework.


A notebook is laid open in a table with a pen lying on the left page. There is a full mug of coffee above the book. The table is located next to a window and soft light is coming in.
  • Honour the inner strength you already possess and create your unique wellbeing strategy to support you through this programme and beyond.

  • Get clarity on your values and practice integrating them into your life, connect with future you, and learn how to create embodied boundaries.

  • Examine and reframe your grief beliefs, explore the context of your grief experience and discover the value of self-compassion in grief.

  • Get to know your nervous system to truly expand your understanding of the role your body plays in processing grief.

  • Uncover what emotions actually are and how to work with (instead of against) them.

  • Explore meaning-making, examine the narrative of your experience and expand into post-traumatic growth. Plus REST, the secret sauce to making lasting, sustainable change.

  • Integrating this journey and setting you up for success for your next chapter.

What You Receive


    Personalised 1:1 coaching calls every step of the way. Receive support and coaching from Hannah, who knows first-hand the wilderness of loss and adversity.


    Step-by-step video trainings offer you a clear path for rebuilding life after adversity. Feel empowered from Day 1 with strategies and tools you can immediately apply in your own life.

  • downloads

    Customised workbooks, guides, and reflections to support your integration and healing.

  • Embodiment

    Guided practises and exercises to integrate your experience and learning, supporting you to make sustainable, lasting shifts.

  • dedicated to you

    With you every at every step. Cheerleading as you rebuild and reclaim the joy and purpose-filled life you deserve.

  • “It never ceases to amaze me what comes up for me when I speak to the amazing Hannah. She is able to look at what I’m struggling with, with fresh eyes and perspective and words cannot describe how powerful having someone like that in your corner is.”


  • "Hannah brings an energy to the session that makes you feel like anything you say will be welcomed and understood."


  • “Hannah is a wise and highly compassionate human being who has the rare ability to hold a tender space for the grieving.”


  • "Hannah's unique relationship to loss, to understanding the journey and the search of finding oneself is a breath of fresh air. She relates to life with passion and gusto, a dash of humor and grit that holds space for understanding and growth. She is a great resource for compassionate understanding and being present."

    Jessica S.

  • "Hannah is a wise, compassionate and generous soul (as well as a badass through and through). What she's offering the world is so needed. I'd absolutely recommend working with her!"

    Tanja Pajevic

feeling lost? Right this way…

Hi, I’m hannah

I understand firsthand how overwhelming loss and adversity can be. In the wake of profound losses—the deaths of my father, a best friend, and my paternal grandfather—just months after my 30th birthday, my own reality shattered into unrecognisable pieces.

Each loss knocked the wind out of me, leaving me barely able to catch my breath before the next one hit. The weight of grief compounded, and I found myself navigating a landscape of pain, loneliness, and uncertainty.

But amidst the emotional turmoil, I discovered glimmers of light. I embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery, exploring countless modalities and delving deep into the depths of my own grief.

Oh, and I competed in a six-day mountain bike race in the New Zealand backcountry, fell in love with my mountain man, travelled halfway around the world to run 250 kilometres through the Wadi Rum desert in Jordan, and then lived with a family in France. All in the first 12 months after loss!

Think of me as your compassionate guide through this griefy wilderness, here to pass on my wealth of lived and learned wisdom.

You’re not designed to do this alone.

Hannah is looking up and her right hand is above her head also pointing up. In the background is tall trees and foliage.

8 weeks to RECLAIM YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF & rise to THE purpose-filled LIFE YOU DESERVE.



$1200 USD


$600 USD

Further payment plans & refund policy available.

Book a free discovery call below to ensure this is a good fit for you at this time.

next steps

step 1

Sign up and receive your welcome pack - everything you need to get started.

step 2

Instant access to the Reclaim & Rise curriculum.

step 3

Join the LIVE weekly 1:1 coaching call.


What makes REclaim & Rise different?

The level of consistent, personalised support and care that you just don’t get with once-a-week therapy or support groups. There is no cookie-cutter approach that fits all. There is a huge amount of tailored support embedded in the Reclaim & Rise design to ensure you receive specific advice, coaching and accountability.

What this program is NOT?

This is NOT therapy, nor is it a course where you’ll be overloaded with information. This is a program of transformation, an intentionally designed pathway with support, guidance and integration embedded every step of the way.

Does it matter how long since my loss?

Yes and no. I wouldn’t recommend this program for someone who is recently bereaved or in acute grief. However, we also know there is no linear relationship between time and grief, and that everyone’s experience is different. If you’re done with surviving and feel like you have some capacity to learn, connect and grow then you will benefit.

Is it really worth the money?

I get it. It can feel weird spending money on ourselves - at first. But in the words of a client recently, “It’s truly an investment in myself. Because if I don’t get the support that I need now, I won’t have my SELF. And without her, then what do I really have?”

When viewed alongside other support options such as counselling, instead of once a week sessions stringing across weeks and months, this is eight weeks of learning, evolving, growing, reflecting, community, support, accountability, and direct access to me throughout – this is hands down incredible value.

Not to mention you get course materials and tools to support transformation for LIFE!

I’m worried about not having enough time to commit fully…

Life these days can be hectic and joining a program might feel like just another thing cram in. But instead of thinking of Reclaim & Rise as something to add to your lengthy to-do list, think of it as an OPPORTUNITY to invest in yourself, your relationships, loved ones, career, joy, and your FUTURE.

I recommend approx 2-3 hours per week and complete this within 8 weeks of commitment and focus. Included in the program is foundational deep work to clarify what’s actually important to you and ensure you’re not spread too thin.

I’m afraid of even going near my emotions. It’s been easier to cope by just not thinking about it. How will this program help me?

The program is carefully designed to lay a solid foundation to ensure you’re connected to your inner strength and safety before moving into those bigger emotions. You’ll learn how, and the why behind it, to meet and navigate your emotions from an empowered place.

Brené Brown, leading researcher and professor in emotions and the human experience, has said that “we cannot selectively numb emotion.” Meaning that when we numb ourselves from unpleasant or unwanted emotions like sadness, grief, anger, fear, and shame, we are also cutting ourselves off from joy, gratitude, love, and happiness. By ignoring your hard emotions, what potential for healing and a vibrant life are you missing out on?

Sharing my emotions with a stranger feels overwhelming…

Sharing your story and experience to new people can be really daunting. And yet, there is incredible healing in being able to connect with and learn from other people who have experienced great loss. I’ve witnessed this in both my own experience and with my 1:1 and group clients. Creating a nourishing, supportive space is embedded throughout the design of the program.

Register now to receive this

limited-time Bonus


Explore new ways to express and acknowledge challenges in your life and create your personalised story in sketches.

“Now, every time I witness a strong person, I want to know: What darkness did you conquer in your story? Mountains do not rise without earthquakes.”

- Katherine MacKennett

register your spot today!